Citycon is the leading owner, developer and manager of multipurpose urban hubs in the Nordics.

Our centres in key urban areas combine retail, office premises and housing with well-functioning traffic connections. Our 31 mixed-use, necessity-based centres are located in the major cities in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Estonia. We transform unique locations into sustainable communities and cities full of life, serving 140 million people each year and delivering long-term share value.

Our centres offer grocery goods, health care services and other services that cater to the daily needs of our customers.

Citycon key facts at a glance

Centres in the Nordics


Assets connected to the public transportation


Share of necessity-based tenants


Net rental income in 2023 (MEUR)


Retail occupancy rate in Citycon centres (Q4/2023)


Our goal for carbon neutrality


Why invest in Citycon?

  1. Leading operator and developer of urban community hubs in the strongest and fast-growing cities in the Nordics.
  2.  Diversified tenant base with ~40% necessity-based tenants focusing on grocery and municipal service brings a stable cash flow and attractive dividend.
  3. Inflation protected business model with 93% of  leases indexed to inflation and the types of goods and services that Citycon´s centres sell are less dependent on discretionary income than traditional retail
  4. Sustainability integrated into Citycon’s operations, development projects and community activities. Following the long-term sustainability efforts and pioneering energy solutions Citycon is listed among Financial Times’ European climate leaders.
  5. Robust balance sheet, moderate LTV and assets largely unencumbered.

Citycon’s Equity Story

Citycon’s Equity Story offers more detail information on Citycon’s operating environment, business model, long-term development opportunities, sustainability and key financials.