The City of Stockholm through the Traffic and Public Transport and the shopping center company Citycon AB, have agreed in a joint effort to increase comfort and safety in the Högdalen Center. The enhanced and coordinated resources are to provide a safer urban environment and a more attractive Högdalen Center.

 - Everyone is a winner if we work together towards the goal - merchants, residents and visitors. Creating attractive shopping centers in the city's different neighbourhoods is an important part of a growing city and a prerequisite for Stockholmers’ desire to visit and spend more time in their nearest center, says Vice Mayor, Traffic and Labour Market Division, Ulla Hamilton (M).

 - We will review the lighting, signage and do a face lift of the environments in and around to make Högdalen center a more enjoyable and safer place, says Isabel Enberg, Shopping Center Leader at Citycon.

 She adds: Together we can create better conditions for all residents and visitors in Högdalen and build a nice and lively city center.

 Together Citycon and the City of Stockholm, Traffic Office, implement a comprehensive program of actions. Among the points agreed on are measures like:

 • Transport Authority undertakes to carry out machine sweeping and emptying trash cans seven days a week. The program covers Högdalen C, and nearby streets / spaces.

 • Transport Authority finances three Högdalen hosts that daily, 40 hours a week, pick-clean and perform easier operational tasks in Högdalen C.

 • Improved lighting along Högdalsgången, and painting of the structural glass roof.

 • New lighting in the entrance walkway, two pieces, Önskehemsgatan, and light lanterns, painting the glass roof and a new signage program for the retail stores.

 • Removal of iron pillars in Högdalsgången, four, to increase accessibility and visibility.


 Traffic and Labour Market Division, City of Stockholm

 Vice Mayor, Traffic and Labour Market Division, Ulla Hamilton (M).

 Citycon AB

 Shopping Center Leader Isabel Enberg

 Press Contact:


 Direct, Magnus Bergman, +46 707 54 01 79

 Ulla Hamilton

 Finance Committee Media Hotline +46 8 508 292 22

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