The 7,040 new Citycon shares granted to the key personnel of the
company by means of a directed share issue without payment under the
company's share-based incentive plan have been registered with the
trade register today. The new shares will be subject to public
trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki together with the other
Citycon shares as of 20 May 2008.

Following the registration, the number of Citycon shares totals
220,992,586. The new shares entitle to the same shareholders' rights
as the company's other shares.

In accordance with a decision by the Finnish Financial Supervision
Authority dated 14 May 2008, the company has been granted an
exemption from the duty to publish a listing prospectus regarding the
shares issued under the incentive plan.

The company has on 15 May 2008 published a release on the share
incentives and on the directed share issue without payment under the
incentive plan.

Helsinki, 19 May 2008

Petri Olkinuora

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
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