Citycon's share capital increase based on stock options 1999

A total of 1,199,549 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.35 per
share were subscribed in September exercising the A/B/C options based on the
company's stock option plan 1999. The corresponding share capital increase, EUR
1,619,391.15 was entered in the Trade Register today. The new shares will be
traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's main list together with the other Citycon
shares as of xx September 2006.

The per-share subscription price of the shares subscribed with the option rights
was EUR 1.35. Each share entitles to one vote. The new shares entitle their
holders to a dividend for the financial year 2006. Other shareholder entitlements
became effective today.

After the increase, the registered share capital of Citycon Oyj amounts to EUR
224,764,555.05 and the total number of shares to 166,492,263.

The unexercised stock options related to Citycon's stock option plan 1999 entitle
their holders to subscribe for 1,706,962 new shares, corresponding to a further
share capital increase of EUR 2,304,398.70. The share subscription period will
expire on 30 September 2007.

Helsinki, 21 September 2006


Petri Olkinuora

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

Helsinki Stock Exchange
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