This is correction to the disclosure published at 15:08:00 EET. The initial
disclosure was published under wrong language version. The content of the
disclosure stays unmodified.

Resolutions by Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting

Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in Helsinki, Finland,
today. The AGM adopted the consolidated financial statements and the parent
company's financial statements for the financial year 2007 and discharged the
members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer from
liability. The AGM decided on a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share for the
financial year 2007 and, in addition, on equity return of EUR 0.10 per share
from the invested unrestricted equity fund. Record date for the dividend
payment and equity return is 18 March 2008 and the dividend and equity return
will be paid on 2 April 2008. Mr Amir Bernstein and Mr Per-Håkan Westin were
elected as new Board members. In addition, the AGM approved the Board of
Directors' proposal to amend the terms and conditions of the company's stock
option plan 2004.

Board members and their remuneration

The number of Board members remained at eight with Gideon Bolotowsky, Raimo
Korpinen, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Claes Ottosson, Dor J. Segal and Thomas W. Wernink
being re-elected to the Board for a one-year term. Mr Per-Håkan Westin, M.Sc.
(Eng.), born 1946, and Mr Amir Bernstein, LL.M., born 1969, were elected as new
members to the Board.

The AGM decided that the Chairman of the Board of Directors be paid an annual
fee of EUR 160,000, the Deputy Chairman EUR 60,000 and ordinary members of the
Board EUR 40,000. In addition, the AGM decided that the Chairman of the Board
and the Chairmen of the Board's committees be paid a meeting fee of EUR 700 and
the other Board and committee members EUR 500 per meeting.


Ernst & Young Oy, a firm of authorised public accountants, continues as the
auditor of the company with Authorised Public Accountant Tuija Korpelainen as
the chief auditor.

Proposal by the Board of Directors to amend the terms and conditions of the
option plan 2004

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided to amend the terms and
conditions of the stock option plan 2004 as follows:

From the share subscription prices of stock options 2004 A/B/C shall, as per
each record date for dividend payment and/or equity return, be deducted half of
the amount of dividends and half of the amounts returned from the invested
unrestricted equity fund. The deductions shall be undertaken after the
commencement of the period for determination of the share subscription price
but before share subscription.

Following this decision, the subscription prices of the 2004 option rights as
of 18 March 2008 will be as follows: Subscription price with the 2004 A options
EUR 2.2732 per share, with B options EUR 2.6608 per share and with C options
EUR 4.3613 per share.

Helsinki, 13 March 2008


Petri Olkinuora

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

Eero Sihvonen, CFO, mobile +358 50 557 9137

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